this month there is much less to tell. after finishing the third studio project, i've been getting things ready for this, this trip to europe, traveling in ireland, italy, switzerland, austria (and soon the former czech republic, poland, then berlin). collecting data from the people in the third project, planning the next one, and putting together the video for the mila kunst exhibition. that, the video, is unlocking some things about documentation that i like very much.
i am considering the possibility (maybe i wrote about this last month?) of the presentation in plymouth to be an installation with stations, one station for each performer (just the ones who have been in all or nearly all), and collecting their performance selections, interviews, writing and ephemera. so there would be multiple stations to represent multiple bodies.
oh, also, thinking through the comments from the third reader on the rdc2, and at times i get a glimpse into something useful, but more often it's hard to get through the condescending tone of the thing, along with the suggested further reading list with books i've read and absorbed 20 year ago already. hm. that tells me that there's something very elementary in the work that i'm not saying out loud, and i'm not sure what it is yet.
santeria is a system that contains elements of yoruba religion that are very old, but itself is fairly new, less than 200 years old, really, in terms of how it's practiced formally, though it had its birth during the slave trade--as the system that it now is, it's survived through absorbing other traditions, ideas, thoughts, and to me, adding lacan into the list of things it can absorb seems incidental, and not worth going into discussion about colonialism, etc. it seems divisive, but i understand the implications of ignoring these things as well. and honestly, i don't think anyone can be inside of it and not think about those things constantly, because it's born from the institution of slavery, inside history and not outside in some eliade-like eden that is above time. hm.
similarly, feminism, post-feminism, and liberational discourses on otherness also seem embedded in the work, so there is something that i'm not saying, and i think there is a simple way to say it, but first i have to find out exactly what it is that i'm not saying. i suspect i'll know in a month.
very much looking forward to everything that happens next, yes yes yes
i am considering the possibility (maybe i wrote about this last month?) of the presentation in plymouth to be an installation with stations, one station for each performer (just the ones who have been in all or nearly all), and collecting their performance selections, interviews, writing and ephemera. so there would be multiple stations to represent multiple bodies.
oh, also, thinking through the comments from the third reader on the rdc2, and at times i get a glimpse into something useful, but more often it's hard to get through the condescending tone of the thing, along with the suggested further reading list with books i've read and absorbed 20 year ago already. hm. that tells me that there's something very elementary in the work that i'm not saying out loud, and i'm not sure what it is yet.
santeria is a system that contains elements of yoruba religion that are very old, but itself is fairly new, less than 200 years old, really, in terms of how it's practiced formally, though it had its birth during the slave trade--as the system that it now is, it's survived through absorbing other traditions, ideas, thoughts, and to me, adding lacan into the list of things it can absorb seems incidental, and not worth going into discussion about colonialism, etc. it seems divisive, but i understand the implications of ignoring these things as well. and honestly, i don't think anyone can be inside of it and not think about those things constantly, because it's born from the institution of slavery, inside history and not outside in some eliade-like eden that is above time. hm.
similarly, feminism, post-feminism, and liberational discourses on otherness also seem embedded in the work, so there is something that i'm not saying, and i think there is a simple way to say it, but first i have to find out exactly what it is that i'm not saying. i suspect i'll know in a month.
very much looking forward to everything that happens next, yes yes yes